CPNT Cyprus  developed and use a remote sensing exploration for hydrocarbons method based on the model of vertical microseepage

MIcroseepage model

Source: Schumacher, D., 1996, Hydrocarbon-induced alteration of soils and sediments, in D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its nearsurface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 71–89, p.83.

According to model hydrocarbons while seeping vertically from deposit to surface on the way produce alteration of microbiological activity which contribute to appearance of a number of geophysical and geochemical anomalies. These anomalies manifest themselves on the Earth’s surface, affecting in various ways the composition of soils, the state of vegetation, the microbiological composition of the animal world, which, in turn, affects the spectral reflection coefficient of natural formations and is detected by specialized scanning.


For data acquisition and aforementioned anomalies detection CPNT Cyprus developed airborne multi-zone scanner «Eagle». The hardware allows to obtain data from 26 information channels in different parts of spectrum. Terrain scanning from An-30 aircraft performed from an altitude of about 5000 meters which gives surface scanning span also 5000 meters.

Engineering data of scanner

Number of data channels 26
Instant visual angle 5 angular min
Scanning angle  70о
Scanning speed 18, 36, 72 lines/s
Spectral band 0.43-12.5 μm
Temperature range  from 10° С to +40° С
Power consumption 27 V, 120 W
Cooling agent Liquid nitrogen

The information acquired while imaging passes through pre-processing stage, where radiometric (impulse-noise filtering, brightness averaging and banding removal) and geometric correction is performed. The result is a mosaic image of scanned area, which is a basis for further thematic mapping of hydrocarbons induced anomalies.

Example of a scanned area stitched mosaic image

Thematic mapping comprises processing of multy-zone image to reveal areas with radiometric brightness similar to brightness on reference location with known hydrocarbons deposit presence or production underway. Information from different zones of spectrum makes different areas of anomalies distribution, although further spatial anomalies overlay makes possible to find out their intercrossing. Zones with maximum coinciding features are considered the most prospective for further surface geology exploration.

The result comes to client as an image of scanned terrain in GIS “Digitizer” with overlayed anomalies areas pertinent to hydrocarbons presence.

CPNT Cyprus remote explorationn technology and GIS “Digitizer” software components are protected by patents.

Patent №2544309

Method of remote search for hydrocarbon deposits

Computer program №2009616179

«Digitizer» software for multizone images visualization

Certificate of state registration of a computer program.

Computer program №2011615556


Certificate of state registration of a computer program.